お早う御座います今朝もキョロキョロしながらウォーキング♀️1pc. パームツリーがかわいい2pc. ローカルのおじちゃん達の後ろ姿が真剣3pc.オナガカエデチョウフィンチの1種。ハワイで最も小さな鳥。鳴き声がかわいい4pc.コウカンチョウ赤い頭と冠(かんむり)のような羽がトレードマーク5pc. コーレア(ムナグロ)ハワイで見る事が出来る渡鳥。8月後半、アラスカやシベリアから南太平洋にやって来て冬を過ごし、4月には北へ帰ります。6pc. マイナーバードハワイの町中で良く見かけられる鳥。つがいになって、いつも一緒️️7pc. 文鳥ハワイを含む太平洋の島々に移入し、定着した野鳥 巣作りの準備で木の枝のような物を加えてます(右側)ハワイの文鳥はたくましい️8pc. アラモアナショッピングセンター前を通って帰宅します。今日も元気にお過ごし下さいませ〜♪#ハワイ#朝活#ウォーキング#ハワイの野鳥#海釣り#ハワイ好きな人と繋がりたい#鳥好きな人と繋がりたい#アロハ#今日も元気に Good morning Walking this morning while scurrying around.1pc. cute palm trees 2pc. local guys with serious in the back3pc. Estrilda astrildA species of finch. The smallest bird in Hawaii.4pc. Red-crested CardinalRed head and crown-like feathers are its trademark5pc. Kolea A migratory bird that can be seen in Hawaii; it arrives in the South Pacific from Alaska and Siberia in late August, spends the winter there, and returns to the north in April.6pc. Minor BirdThis is a bird that can often be seen around town in Hawaii. Minor birds are said to have the habit of acting as a couple.7pc. Java SparrowJava Sparrow were introduced to the Pacific islands, including Hawaii, where they became established. 8pc. I'm going home through Ala Moana Shopping Center.Have a great day!!!#Hawaii #Morning Activity #Walking #Wild Birds in Hawaii #Sea Fishing #I want to connect with people who love Hawaii #I want to connect with people who love birds #Aloha #great day!