今朝のハワイは朝から安定したお天気だったので、久しぶりにワイキキ方面を歩いてみました夏休みに入ってきたので、少しずつ賑わってきてますね〜今年の皆さんの夏休みはどの様にお過ごしでしょうか️アロハな1日を…️🥥#ハワイ#夏休み#海外旅行#ワイキキ#ワイキキビーチ#アロハ The weather in Hawaii this morning was stable from the morning, so I walked around Waikiki for the first time in a while It's getting a little more crowded now that summer vacation is here How are you spending your summer vacation this year️Have a great day ️#Hawaii #Summer vacation #International travel #Waikiki #Waikiki Beach #Aloha